1.Prices hold comparatively firm.
2.Mother kept a firm hold on her son's hands as he said goodby to her abroad.
1.In Korea and Japan closely held and widely spread firms became slothful.
2.The privately held firm is estimated to be worth more than General Motors.
据估计,该私营公司总资产已超过通用汽车(General Motors)。
3.Not surprisingly, radical Republicans held firm control in every one of the new governments.
4.Politicians would do better to aim at the economy wide problems that hold all British firms back.
5.The Indians seem to be considering a change, but the Braves and Chiefs are so far holding firm.
6.Hurricane's mouth finally got a firm hold on the intruder's arm and the dog forced the man to the ground.
7.Surprised, the magistrate insisted, but the girl held firm.
县令很惊讶, 坚持说,但女孩坚持。机翻
8.To hold firm means your opinion doesn't change, your position doesn't change, doesn't matter what happens or what someone says.
Hold firm 的意思是你的观点不会改变,你的立场不会改变,不管发生什么或别人说什么。
9.The people were happy and she had a firm hold on her power.
人很高兴, 她牢牢掌握着自己的权力。机翻
10.It seemed that Cleopatra now had a firm hold on her position as ruler.
11.For now, though, Friday's still holding firm as the day people work from home.
不过,就目前而言, 周五仍然是人在家工作的日子。机翻
12.When the day arrived Julius needed a considerable amount of persuading, but Tuppence held firm.
当这一天到来时, 朱利叶斯需要大量的说服, 但塔彭丝坚持不懈。机翻
13.Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm.
14.So President Trump is holding firm and saying that it is not a distraction, though certainly he's being asked about it.
15.Squid tentacles are " muscular hydrostats, " meaning the tissue can be held firm by muscle tension.
鱿鱼触手是“ 肌肉静水压器” , 这意味着组织以通过肌肉张力保持牢固。机翻
16.All that you will have to explore, I said to Mary Carmichael, holding your torch firm in your hand.
所有你必须探索的, 我对玛丽卡迈克尔说,把你的手电筒牢牢地握在手里。机翻
17.Thankfully the new dome has held firm now for over a century, a reassuring thought as you take in the views from its top.
18.A homeowner tries to buy her out. but mama holds firm even after Walter loses the rest of his money to a scheming friend.
有一个房主想买她的房子 但即使沃尔特把剩下的钱输给了一个诡计多端的朋友 妈妈仍坚持住下。
19.But he and House Speaker John Boehner both insisted they'd hold firm on whether or not to raise taxes on the wealthy.
20.If Confucianism gained so firm a hold on the Chinese it is because it explained and expressed them as no other system of thought could do.